سمارة ميمش

All posts by سمارة ميمش

Facial skin care

Dr.. Samara Ahmed Mimash What is mixed skin and skin mixing? – It is intended to be facial skin dry and greasy at the same time, the presence of dry skin in certain areas of the face and fatty skin in other areas of it. Fatty areas are located in the middle of the face … Continue reading Facial skin care

Are silicone compounds topical for treatment of lumps and scars?

It is considered a blockage or a thrombosis Keloids and hypertrophic scars are one of the most important problems And the dilemmas faced by physicians and their patients. Especially after wound healing and surgeries, and the poor appearance of these scars can lead to considerable dissatisfaction among many patients. Stroke and hypertensive scarring are common … Continue reading Are silicone compounds topical for treatment of lumps and scars?

questions and answers

Answer the questions of readers and visitors to the Derma e-Clinics website today: Dr. Samara Ahmed Maysh, Consultant of Dermatology and Laser Therapy Frequent showering and hair loss Q 1: It is said that the large number of showers lead to dry hair and falling .. Is this true? Is it necessary with every shower … Continue reading questions and answers