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Dr. Samara Ahmed Maysh, Consultant of Dermatology and Laser Therapy

Frequent showering and hair loss

Q 1: It is said that the large number of showers lead to dry hair and falling .. Is this true? Is it necessary with every shower to use shampoo so that hair is not affected?

A 1: The large number of showers may lead to dry hair, but it does not lead to hair loss if the process of bathing itself is not satisfied and I mean non-violent must treat the hair gently plus.

I always mean shampoo without good quality, and the shampoos are poor, yes, it can lead to hair dryness and fall.

Here I would like to add that dry hair should be washed with a shampoo for dry hair, because there are moisturizers for that hair, so the hair removal process is easier and less hair loss.

As for the use of shampoo in every bath, I think this is preferred because shampoos have been found to wash hair as well.

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